<%@ Language=VBScript %> <% option explicit %> Intigral Customer Login
  <% dim strMessage dim strUserName dim strPassword dim strHTML dim strSQL dim cnnMasterDB dim rsResultSet dim cmdLogin set cnnMasterDB = nothing set rsResultSet = nothing set cmdLogin = nothing strMessage = "" strUserName = Request.Form.Item("ctlLoginName") strPassword = Request.Form.Item("ctlLoginPassword") if strUserName <> "" and strPassword <> "" then set cnnMasterDB = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") cnnMasterDB.Open Application.Contents("ConnectionString") Set cmdLogin = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command") Set cmdLogin.ActiveConnection = cnnMasterDB cmdLogin.CommandText = "usp_loginsSelectValidateLogin" cmdLogin.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc cmdLogin.Parameters.Refresh cmdLogin.Parameters("@UserName").Value = strUserName cmdLogin.Parameters("@Password").Value = strPassword cmdLogin.Parameters("@loginType").Value = 1 cmdLogin.Execute 'if rsResultSet.Eof and rsResultSet.Bof then 'unable to locate if cmdLogin.Parameters("@return").Value = 0 then 'rsResultSet.Close 'set rsResultSet = nothing Set cmdLogin = nothing cnnMasterDB.Close set cnnMasterDB = nothing strMessage = "Invalid username or password." else Set cmdLogin = nothing 'found it 'if strPassword = rsResultSet(0) then 'rsResultSet.Close 'set rsResultSet = nothing strSQL = "SELECT CustomerID, SiteID, EmployeeID, LoginCount " & _ "FROM Logins WHERE [Name] = '" & Replace(strUserName, "'", "''") & "'" set rsResultSet = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") call rsResultSet.Open(strSQL, cnnMasterDB, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockOptimistic) Session.Contents("CustomerID") = rsResultSet(0) Session.Contents("SiteID") = rsResultSet(1) Session.Contents("EmployeeID") = rsResultSet(2) rsResultSet("LoginCount") = rsResultSet("LoginCount") + 1 rsResultSet.Update rsResultSet.Close set rsResultSet = nothing if Session.Contents("CustomerID") <> "" then 'customer login strSQL = "SELECT [Name], SiteName FROM Customers WHERE CustomerID = '" & Replace(Session.Contents("CustomerID"), "'", "''") & "' " if Session.Contents("SiteID") <> "" then strSQL = strSQL & "AND SiteID = '" & Replace(Session.Contents("SiteID"), "'", "''") & "'" end if set rsResultSet = cnnMasterDB.Execute(strSQL) if not rsResultSet.eof then Session.Contents("CustomerName") = rsResultSet(0) if Session.Contents("SiteID") <> "" then Session.Contents("CustomerName") = Session.Contents("CustomerName") & "[" & rsResultSet(1) & "]" end if end if rsResultSet.Close set rsResultSet = nothing else 'employee login end if cnnMasterDB.Close set cnnMasterDB = nothing Session.Contents("StartDateTime") = Now() Session.Contents("User") = strUserName Session.Contents("LoggedIn") = 1 Response.Redirect("Qualspecs2.asp") 'else ' strMessage = "Invalid username or password." ' rsResultSet.Close ' set rsResultSet = nothing ' cnnMasterDB.Close ' set cnnMasterDB = nothing 'end if end if end if %>

INTIGRAL Customer Center

The INTIGRAL Customer Center provides current customers access to account information, product options and support documents. Customer representatives who want access to the Customer Center are asked to please contact INTIGRAL's customer service department at 440.439.0980.




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